
The response of API is a JSON string. Normal response of HTTP Status Code will be 2xx, except that are error response.

Normal response

Normal response value will be shown as blow:

Field name Description
request_id The ID of member’s request
data Valid data, details will be described within interface.

For example:

        "request_id": "2XiTgZ2oVrBgGqKQ1ruCKh",
        "data": {
                "attestation_id": "nXiTrBgQ1ruCKhgZ2oV"

Error response

Error response will be shown as blow:

Field name Description
request_id The ID of member’s request
message Error causes
timestamp Timestamp, it has millisecond level accuracy

Error HTTP Status Code

Code Description
400 Request error (eg. Parameter not matched with format requirement)
404 Request path not existed
405 Request method error
413 Data size requested too large (eg. File uploaded too large on size)
429 Request amount beyond limitation
500 Request failed (eg. Digital signature verification failure)

For example:

        "request_id": "2XiTgZ2oVrBgGqKQ1ruCKh",
        "message": "数字签名校验失败",
        "timestamp": 1464672264000